About US
We Have 22 Years OfExperienceIn Gypsum Plastering
Hailing from the country of Malaysia ,manufacturing from Iran, our company aim to provide high quality gypsum products and services as per the requirements.
Life tenure
Gem Plast completes your dream home with lifetime warranty.
Heat resistance
Resistant to high heat and fire thereby reducing energy consumption.
Properties of Gypsum pastes
GEMPLAST Gypsum Plastering : The new trend in construction
- Smooth Glass Surface
- No need of water curing
- Heat And Moisture Resistance
- No Shrinkage or Cracking
- Pure White
- Ready To Paint
- 30% Profitable than Cement Plastering
- No need of cement, sand, white cement , wallputty
- Solid Content - 68 WT %
- Active Substance - 59.25 WT %
- Brightness (∆L) - 90+
- Coverage - 120-140 Sqft/Coat
- Adhesion to Gypsum Surface - 1.5 N/mm2(asper ASTM_D_4541_02 DIN_500014)
- Wet Film Thickness - 100_110 microns/coat
- Minimum film forming temperature - 8°C
- Diffusion Resistance against water vapour - 50m (as per DIN5_615)
- Recommended for - Interior and Exterior
- Shelf life more than 24 months with proper care
Gypsum :Pure gypsum rockCaSO4.2H2O
Gypsum is a binding material obtained by
heating and thus driving off some or all of the
crystallization water in the structure of gypsum
Advantages of GypsumPlastering
Gemplast Premium Plastering Grade Gypsum is an icon GEMPLAST
Once mixed with water gypsum transformed back to harder from, due to the gaining of water content, which lost during manufacture process
Natural gypsum CaSO4.2H2O minded in rock form produced by calcinating raw gypsum in automatic kettles at controlled temperature. 200 meshing used for
Indefinite Life
Gypsum plasters can
retain their chemical
compositions for very
long time.
Acoustic Properties
Acoustic tiles and
plasters use gypsums
as a binder in its
Insulation Properties
Thermal properties and
low conductivity of
gypsum make them
best choice for energy
and power saving
Bonding Properties
Gypsum by nature
exhibits excellent
bonding properties,
and require only single
coat, on variety
Flexural Tensil
Have excellent flexural
and tensil strength, which
resists cracking, thermal
debonding, shearing and
tensile movements.
Nontoxic And Anti-Fungus
Gypsum plaster does not
create any health hazards.
Gypsum plasters does not
allow fungal growth or insects
on its surface.
Check Our Latest Projects
When gypsum is mixed with water, the resultant paste is plastic (shapeable) which sets and
subsequently hardens as time passes.
Gypsum Plastering
Living Room
Gypsum Plastering
Gypsum Plastering
Living Room
Gypsum Plastering
Dining Room
Our Process
Setting and Hardening of Gypsum
When gypsum is mixed with water, the resultant paste is plastic (shapeable) which sets and
subsequently hardens as time passes.
: the loss of the initial plasticity or the gaining of rigidity
the gain in strength and the ability of the material to resist indentation or abrasion.
Our Client
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec
We Provide the Best Services For You
Gemplast gypsum products give life time warranty, gypsum being able to hold its chemical compositions for a very long time without any damage. Also, it helps you keep away problems like leakages, cracks and fungal attacks very effectively unlike conventional construction and lining materials.
Quality & Service Assured
Hardly any construction works today are completed without the use of gypsum products due to its reliability and durability
Indefinite Life
gypsum plasters can retain their chemical compositions for very long time. Pyramids like Cheops and Giza testifies the property
Acoustic Properties
acoustic tiles and plasters use gypsums as a binder in its manufacturing, owing to its affinity to absorb air-born sounds
Insulation Properties
thermal properties and low conductivity of gypsum make them best choice for energy and power saving applications.
Plaster for a LifetimeGEMPLAST
Hailing from the country of Malaysia , our company aim to provide high quality gypsum products and services as per the requirements.
Have A Question ? Start Consultation Now
Phone Number
+91 9995 896 600
E Mail
TMK Complex, First floor Mannath lane, Naikanal, Thrissur
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